The RptrLink was a project that allowed every InterNet user
to connect to our 2 Way Vhf Net with Internet Phone Software
and another authentication software that check if user allowed to enter our radio
It consisted of a PC with InternetPhone Software and a VOX (Voice Operated Relay)
to switch the transceiver (TX/RX) to TX mode when the the internet user was speeking
Click here to see the picture of it
The computer on the left is the PC with the VoIP (Iphone) software , on the top of the screen you can see
the TX/RX on top of it the vox unit and right next to it the switching power supply
Here is a block diagram of the project
The schematic shows the connection of the vox unit to the PC with the sound card and to the transceiver
This project was one of the first projects to do this on the whole world
it was working about two years providing amateur radio fellows from all over
the world connectivity to our relay station at Haifa with almost "high Fidelity" sound
Due to no InterNet connection this project has gone ....
Today the Iphone system and rptrlink software dont exist anymore and the replacement (called EchoLink)
Can be found here